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Owner Approach

Focused on owner’s requirements, Conspectus offers an accurate, transparent view of how decisions made during the design process will ultimately impact project cost, construction quality, and building operations.


Owner Approach | Conspectus


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    Architect Approach

    Focused on architect's requirements, Conspectus offers an accurate, transparent view of how decisions made during the design process will ultimately impact project cost, construction quality, and building operations.


    Architects | Conspectus Inc


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      Design-Builder Approach

      Focused on design-builder's requirements, Conspectus offers an accurate, transparent view of how decisions made during the design process will ultimately impact project cost, construction quality, and building operations.


      Design-Builders | Conspectus Inc


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        Construction Manager Approach

        Focused on construction manager's requirements, Conspectus offers an accurate, transparent view of how decisions made during the design process will ultimately impact project cost, construction quality, and building operations.


        Construction Managers | Conspectus Inc


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          2 min read

          Simple Collaboration Tools are Key

          Today, even small design and construction projects can have
          large design teams with many contributing consultants. Managing the work of so
          many people and coordinating the result has become a herculean task. So how can
          this burden be relieved while ensuring all participants remain aware of the
          project progression so high quality documents are produced every time?

          For the past 18 months we have relied on Basecamp,
          a web based application from 37Signals.
          Basecamp is an intuitive tool that provides great flexibility in managing data.
          We offer our subscription for this service to all our clients and their entire
          design team because we believe so strongly that it significantly improves
          collaboration and raises the quality of the resulting design.

          Initially, we tried Basecamp for selfish reasons. Project
          schedules changed regularly, sometimes daily. We kept a paper calendar showing
          project deadlines. Because we were delivering up to 250 projects each year, just
          imagine the number of deadlines on the calendar. As the schedules changed we
          could not find all the previous schedule dates to void the entries. This
          created some tense moments with near panic when we turned the calendar and
          discovered an outdated completion date.

          Basecamp allowed us to view the delivery milestones by
          specific projects. So when schedules changed, we opened the project and easily
          made all the adjustments at once. Ad every change was instantly available to
          our entire staff. At first, this feature alone was justification for using
          Basecamp. No more panic attacks!

          However, we had an epiphany. We invited our clients and all
          their other consultants to use Basecamp with us. We found that Basecamp allowed
          us to collect all the project communications in one location, essentially
          replacing email. All communications are visible to everyone on the project. And
          automatic email notifications of Basecamp posting are sent to everyone directly
          involved in the issue. But wait! There is more.

          To Do lists allowed team members to assign tasks and
          completion dates to others, for work that was required to coordinate the
          project and incorporate the latest design changes. Everyone on the team can
          view the lists for everyone else. What an incentive! It is embarrassing to open
          the project and discover your unfinished To Do list is the longest. The
          embarrassment factor worked. Things got done and in a much more timely manner.

          What about project files, you may ask. Well Basecamp helps
          there too. There is a simple file upload feature similar to an FTP site, except
          multiple versions of the same file can be posted. The latest file is always on
          top and the previous versions directly below.

          We are still only scratching the surface of what can be
          accomplished with Basecamp. It seems we find new ways to manage the work flow,
          nearly daily. The built-in flexibility allows us to try new ways to accomplish traditional

          Now we use Basecamp for every project. We encourage our
          clients to start the project on Basecamp at day one and to include the entire
          team as welcome participants. There are no limits on the number of users. So
          there is no need for anyone to be excluded.

          The cost to our clients? None! The value to the project resulting
          from participation far outweighs the subscription fee.

          We encourage you to take the Basecamp tour to see for