1 min read

Air and Moisture Barrier Applications

Yesterday we had the pleasure of hosting Bill Murphy from
Parksite for a lunch & learn seminar about Air and Moisture Barriers for
Commercial Buildings. Waiting for the last slide of the presentation made the
presentation worth more than advertised.


  The slide contained this photo showing an installation with
Tyvek Commercial Wrap. The program discussion was diverted by the fastener used
to secure Tyvek to the substrate. The photo shows an installation over a framed
wall with gypsum board sheathing. Tyvek requires mechanical fasteners with
washers to be used with gypsum sheathing. This detail prompted a question about
being able to use Tyvek over masonry and concrete with similar mechanical


For past projects, we struggled to find a simple solution
for multi-story residential continuing care and multifamily housing projects
where the lower floors were masonry veneer over masonry backup and the upper
floors were siding over framed backup. This condition typically required two
different air barrier materials and a transition detail to maintain the
integrity of the barrier. The air barrier at the lower floors often
transitioned to a waterproofing membrane which required another product and
another transition.


We learned that Tyvek is capable of solving the problem and
eliminating the transitions. Tyvek can be installed over gypsum sheathing and
over masonry or concrete, the only difference being the fastener. In addition,
Tyvek accessories include flashings to make transitions to waterproofing


None of this discussion was part of the prepared
presentation. The photo provided a valuable opportunity that will help our
clients solve a persistent problem. Our staff and friends learned something new
that will have immediate and practical use.


If you wish to learn more about Tyvek applications, you may
contact Bill at bmurphy@parksite.com
or visit Parksite at http://parksite.com.


Conspectus shares lunch & learn presentations with our
clients and friends that are interested in joining the discussion via our WebEx
account. We have a limit on the number of participants that we can accommodate
so reservations are required. If you wish to receive notices about the lunch
& learn programs we host, please send an email to bbushay@conspectusinc.com and ask
to be added to our notification list.