1 min read

Efficient Email Communications

An architect wrote to us to request specification revisions for a project in the middle of the bidding phase. Only one of the comments was unclear. So we completed the other revisions and returned the corrected files with the following message:

Here are the revised specifications in PDF format with the corrections shown using Track Changes.
The only change not made is for the window shades.  I do not understand your comment.  Did you mean that the shade fabric was not specified?  The shades are specified in section 260943.  The fabric is specified "as selected."  We will be happy to add a fabric selection when we learn what the selection is.
I also attached your email with the status of each comment noted.

To which the architect responded:

Thank you

Did he read beyond the first sentence? The popularity of this kind of reply has grown substantially, especially when sent from a mobile phone as this message was. However, it simply necessitates an additional email or phone call to get an answer to our question.
In most cases, there is no need for an instant reply. It is much more important to have a thorough, thoughtful reply so the comment can be resolved quickly, efficiently, and correctly.

Here are my suggestions for answering email to save time for all:

  • Take time to read the entire email before starting your reply.
  • When responding from your PC, keep both the original email and reply visible at all times so you can reply point by point.
  • When responding from your mobile phone, reply to one point at a time scrolling between the reply and original message before replying to each point.
  • Call, especially when two emails have not settled the issue.