1 min read

Cut-and-Paste Specifications - ConstructionAdvisorToday

Critical Thinking Required! Copying and using standard specifications without carefully considering the content as it applies to a specific project can lead to unintended results. Litigation and arbitration will undoubtedly expose defective specifications.

The Construction Claims Advisor states "There is no element of a construction contract more fundamental than the specifications." Continuing with "The specifications in any given contract may be nothing more than a 'cut-and-paste' job."

But why assume the liability?

Be careful relying on standard specifications, regardless the source. Commercial specifications publishers and product manufacturers cannot possibly know your specific project conditions. Standard specifications are written to accommodate the author's perception of what may be "standard" practice.

How many architects design "standard" buildings? Most architects would bristle at the  suggestion their designs are standard.

Standard specifications cannot be expected to suffice for non-standard designs. Carefully edit specifications for each project to clearly specify the Architect's design intent. Avoid the temptation to cut-and-paste from a standard spec. Standards cannot possibly describe a unique design intent.