1 min read

Construction Improvisation; Acceptable Quality?

Construction sites often present challenges for completing the work as the architect intended. But when contractors improvise, the results may not be acceptable. Unusual results tend to attract attention immediately.

This photo is taken in a Class A office space currently under renovation that I toured with the architect. Amazingly, the architect recognized the problem, but accepted the result as necessary to accommodate the construction and tenant occupancy schedules.

The door hinge was installed in a custom door frame constructed from a rolled steel H-section. The flange was routed to receive the hinge, but was not tapped for the hinge screws. Instead of obtaining a template for the hinge prep, the contractor hung the door using the other three hinges. Then the fourth hinge was welded to the frame. The missing screw heads and unexpected welds were amazingly obvious.

Must schedule always trump quality? I certainly hope not.

At least grind the welds and fill the screw holes with screw heads to make the installation look somewhat like the other hinges.