1 min read

Public Bidding - Mind the Rules

One of our clients ventured into the public bidding realm, as a new adventure for the firm. The project is currently in the middle of bidding with the due date closing fast.

The Dates:
The architect just realized that addenda must be issued to allow the bidders seven business days, not calendar days, to incorporate the addendum into their bid. Oops! Be sure there are no state holidays during the period. They don't count as business days, even if every other business is normally working.

The Rules:
Now backup even more because New Jersey rules stipulate how the addenda must be delivered: certified mail, facsimile that verifies deliver, or courier service. The architect does not have fax numbers for most bidders. That data was not collected when the bidders picked up the documents.

The state law has not caught up with today's electronic technology. So email delivery is not possible, at least not as the official issue. The architect must allow for delivery time, too. One day if by courier, two or more days if by mail. For our client, the addendum must be mailed TOMORROW, and he has not begun to address the contractor's questions yet.

Block Out the Bidding Calendar:

Be sure you know your state rules for public bidding. Mark the dates on your calendar before issuing documents for bid. Show bid issue, last day for questions, last day for issuing addenda, and bid due date. Carefully monitor the dates to avoid the need to extend the bidding period simply to accommodate addenda that could not be completed in time.