1 min read

So Many Initials - Which were earned?

We have all seen it. Business cards with initials after the name that won't quit. Heck, some have resorted to a separate line and smaller font. I haven't seen any extending onto the back of the card yet.

But were they earned? Some simply recognize a dues paying member. Some recognize achievements. For most organizations, anyone can join. Achievements must be earned.

CSI Certifications
CDT, CCS, CCCA, and CCPR. Have you seen them? Earning each group of letters requires a special set of skills and knowledge. The Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) allows individuals that demonstrate construction industry knowledge by passing exams to use these initials after their names to recognize the achievement.

CDT: Certified Document Technologist. This is CSI's entry level certification. This certification is required as a prerequisite for all other certifications. Anyone may take the exam. No prequalifications exist. Individuals passing the exam demonstrate a knowledge of construction documents, the entities involved in a construction project, and the overall construction process.

Everyone in the construction industry should earn the CDT. Then everyone would have the same basic knowledge of construction. We, the industry as a group, could speak the same language and actually understand and be understood. What a noble and achievable goal. Imagine how much easier it would make your job if everyone understood.

Once you pass the CDT, then move on to your specialty CSI certification and demonstrate you have the skills and knowledge for your specific role.

CCS: Certified Construction Specifier.
CCCA: Certified Construction Administrator.
CCPR: Certified Construction Product Representative.

Sign Up and Be Recognized
Take the first step: Register to take the CDT and demonstrate your knowledge to the world.