3 min read
A Specifier's Rap - Setting the Record Straight
Chris Ricke & Melody Fontenot
4/14/23 1:27 PM

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be a controversial topic. It threatens to replace human abilities in many areas, yet can be a powerful tool to provide efficiency when used correctly. As naturally curious people, our specifiers were interested in seeing how AI plays a role in construction document writing. What we learned is that there is no replacement for excellence in technical writing by human spec writers. Chris Ricke and Melody Fontenot decided to go off the path and have a little fun, so inquired about specs and rapping. The results were fantastic, and gave a great example of why AI is fun, but not always reliable. Google AI created this rap, but we are trying to set the record straight (pun intended) on what specifiers actually do. AI is great for creating content, but the quality of the content should always be reviewed and discussed. Below is our review and discussion. Enjoy!
I'm a specifier,
I'm here to specify
The materials and components
That go into your buildings."
Specifier Commentary: True! However, in addition to materials and components, specifiers also indicate the performance, testing, certification, qualification, warranty, and administrative requirements for each material and component. Specifiers also coordinate these requirements with additional requirements of owners, tenants, installers, manufacturers, architects, engineers, and contractors.
"I'm the one who makes sure
That everything is up to code
And that your buildings are safe
And will last for years."
Specifier Commentary: Specifiers indicate the latest product and material standards referenced by local building codes and required by the Owner and Architect. However, specifiers do not check drawings for code compliance, inspect, approve, or certify that the materials and products used during construction are code compliant. The Architect is responsible for ensuring their design is code compliant with the local authorities having jurisdiction. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring the construction is complete in accordance with the contract documents (drawings and specs) and local permit requirements. Good specifications are a necessity for good quality in the final built solution.
"I'm the one who makes sure
That your buildings are efficient
And that you're not wasting money
On materials and components that you don't need."
Specifier Commentary: Specifiers do make recommendations on products, materials, and performance that can make buildings more efficient. However, the final decision is made by the Owner and the Architect. "Wasting money" could be the fault of value engineering, designs, and even a lack of communication and coordination during any phase of design or construction. Specifiers can provide valuable input throughout the process and help to avoid potentially less performing substitutions- ask us!
"I'm the one who makes sure
That your buildings are beautiful
And that they reflect your style."
Specifier Commentary: Specifiers are focused on quality and performance of material and products. However, the aesthetic decisions for a project are driven by the Owner and the Architect. Colors, patterns, profiles, and styles are aesthetic properties, most often shown on the Drawings in a Finish Legend. If undecided, a Specifier will usually leave aesthetic decisions as "Architect selected" or "Owner selected" until a decision is made.
"So if you're building a new building,
Don't forget to hire a specifier.
We're the ones who can make sure
That your building is everything you want it to be."
Specifier Commentary: True!! A specifier will help ensure the Owner's project requirements are accurately reflected in the specifications prior to bidding and construction. However, an Architect will usually perform the construction administration that enforces the requirements in the specifications during construction. Using specification software like Conspectus Cloud allows everyone to see and comment on specifications at all times during the design and construction process to ensure these requirements meet everyone's expectations.
"I'm the specifier,
I'm the one who knows
The ins and outs of building codes
And the latest trends."
Specifier Commentary: Specifiers again focus on the building code requirements in relation to material properties. Aesthetic design trends are not a typical focus for specifiers. However, specifiers are familiar with the current options available from different product manufacturers and the latest material and testing standards; so, trends related to new products and better solutions for improved performance.
"I'm the one who can help you
Choose the right materials and components
For your project."
Specifier Commentary: True! Specifiers will often help ask questions that lead to a successful selection of materials and components for your design project. However, specifiers still need to communicate with owners, architects, engineers, design consultants, and contractors. A good specifier will help you make an informed decision, without making the decision for you.
"I'm the one who can help you
Save money
And get the most out of your investment."
Specifier Commentary: A specifier makes sure you know what you are getting by specifying what you want in easily understood and accurate technical terms. A specifier may also provide documentation at early design phases to aid in obtaining more accurate project estimates. A Systems and Performance Description (SPD) from Conspectus Cloud can provide an incredibly efficient way to describe the requirements of your project early to make sure it is on track with your budget.
"So if you're looking for someone
Who can help you
Build the perfect building,
Look no further than the specifier."
Specifier Commentary: Absolutely! Engaging a specifier is critical to the success of project team. Specifications are the sole location for quality, submittal, and performance requirements during and after construction. Specifiers often have a range of experience and a depth of knowledge that can prove extremely beneficial during the design process. The transparency provided by Conspectus Cloud offers a collaborative specification process to help project teams succeed!
Image is based on a original AI content for "architecture writer dance robot city buildings rap party"
Closing Thoughts:
Does Google AI know that raps are supposed to rhyme?
Would you like to see a performance of this in a video on our YouTube channel?