1 min read
Arc-US 2011
It has been a couple of weeks since attending Arc-US in Boca Raton, FL. I think I recovered, or nearly so.
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It has been a couple of weeks since attending Arc-US in Boca Raton, FL. I think I recovered, or nearly so.
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What are the architectural design phases? SD - schematic design, DD - design development, and CD - construction documents.
1 min read
As the years go by I am increasingly taken by surprise at the realization that, "Hey...I worked on that building" or "Hey...I worked on that...
1 min read
Recently, I have been struck by the pervasive, negative attitude - not just about the construction industry but generally in news, blogs, and other...
1 min read
Specifying is mostly about data gathering and organizing - data that architects hold - on the drawings, in the basis of design, but mostly in their...
1 min read
While staying at a resort hotel, last week, I saw an interesting behavior in response to an interesting design solution. The entry level elevator...
1 min read
I am really beginning to believe I am a dinosaur. Every day I am inundated by email messages. Some days it seems I spend the entire day just tending...
Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) products are plentiful and manufacturers are constantly developing adaptations to current building trends. This...
5 min read
The CSI Specifying Practice Group met to discuss concepts, tips and tricks to make producing specifications (and other word processing documents)...