3 min read
Evolving Specifications Construct 2014 presentation
Specifiers may be one of the best kept secrets on the design team. Specifiers, especially independent specifiers, typically interact with the...
3 min read
Specifiers may be one of the best kept secrets on the design team. Specifiers, especially independent specifiers, typically interact with the...
2 min read
It's a process, not just technical requirements. During design-assist, the architect of record, asks the contractor (usually a specialty...
Exterior Walls: so many components, so many materials - will the result really meet the code? NFPA 285 may govern and may limit available choices, so...
3 min read
We were asked to submit a proposal, and ultimately were engaged, to provide architectural specifications services for a new seven story core and...
Why does the code require trademarks to distinguish the various plywood types? All plywood is not the same. Panels may be suitable for specific...
NFPA 285 Test Configuration image courtesy Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing
What are those Commodity Specifications referenced by the building codes? AWPA U1 referenced by the code specifies wood preservative treatments by...
3 min read
What is the best way to ensure consistency and high quality in your construction documents?
Did you just severely restrict, or eliminate competition by including a UL design number for fire resistive masonry partitions? Unknowingly, perhaps....