3 min read
Creating Master Specs - How is it done?
Writing master specifications for an owner, design firm, or commercial system is essentially the same.... ➡️Adopt a process. ➡️Follow the process....
3 min read
Writing master specifications for an owner, design firm, or commercial system is essentially the same.... ➡️Adopt a process. ➡️Follow the process....
2 min read
One great way to make sure project specifications and master guide specifications are technically correct is to review them with manufacturers' (or...
3 min read
Almost all architectural firms and specifications consultants maintain full sets of office master guide specifications, which, among their many...
3 min read
Who is best to write project construction specifications - the project architect or a dedicated specifier? Arguments will go both ways, depending on...
3 min read
Master guide specifications are a valuable resource for the design team. The company investment in developing and maintaining masters can be...
4 min read
It's linear - just like design! Start at the beginning and finish at the end. Straight line. No sidesteps. No circling back. No changed minds. Smooth...
4 min read
Just who are specifications written for? The Architect? The Owner? Neither! In order of importance, I profess that specifications are written for the...
3 min read
It seems a relatively simple building. There are only 50 drawings. So why are the specifications 800 pages? It does seem absurd. Let's take a...
2 min read
How can architects ensure their specifications are consistent from one project to the next or one project architect to the next? How can architects...