Metal Framing Thickness or Gage - New and Improved issue
Previous Tech Tip was updated to the current industry standards with the help of metal framing manufacturers. The metal framing industry stopped...
Previous Tech Tip was updated to the current industry standards with the help of metal framing manufacturers. The metal framing industry stopped...
4 min read
Architects and specifiers alike face significant and continuous challenges when it comes to identifying and validating reliable information about...
Wood flooring, like all wood products is affected by moisture. It swells. It shrinks. And it is expected to always look as perfect as the day it is...
When is an electric strike not an electric strike? When it is a euphemism for a secure door. Knowing what function is required is paramount. Function...
Do construction warranties provide value for the owner? Manufacturers write warranties to limit their own risk. The warranty value will depend...
Exterior Walls: so many components, so many materials - will the result really meet the code? NFPA 285 may govern and may limit available choices, so...
Gypsum board is the most common wall and soffit finish in the US. One finish does not fit all applications. Specifying appropriate gypsum board...
Why does the code require trademarks to distinguish the various plywood types? All plywood is not the same. Panels may be suitable for specific...
Exterior deck coatings in residential construction are expected to perform as a waterproofing and traffic surface. The coating must prevent water...
Laminated glass construction is simple - glue two or more panes of glass together to form a composite single pane. Wait, nothing is ever that simple....