Insulation, MCM, and NFPA 285
Exterior Walls: so many components, so many materials - will the result really meet the code? NFPA 285 may govern and may limit available choices, so...
Exterior Walls: so many components, so many materials - will the result really meet the code? NFPA 285 may govern and may limit available choices, so...
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August 4, Bloomberg News published an article about a way that the six largest US automakers could improve profits by $1.4 billion last year. No...
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Construction specifications are arranged by MasterFormat's 50 divisions and thousands of section numbers and titles - everyone knows that. There is a...
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Yes it is a spec, and it deserves attention - the proper attention to be certain the contractor delivers what is required by the contract. The design...
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We were asked to submit a proposal, and ultimately were engaged, to provide architectural specifications services for a new seven story core and...
Gypsum board is the most common wall and soffit finish in the US. One finish does not fit all applications. Specifying appropriate gypsum board...
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There are many risks in construction projects, and specifications alone cannot mitigate construction risk in all areas. Good specifications, however,...
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How can an owner be sure construction produces the quality the owner desires? There is likely no way to be absolutely certain. But specifiers rely on...
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Friday, an architect asked for help researching a question about metal stud installation for interior partitions. The question was the result of a...
Why does the code require trademarks to distinguish the various plywood types? All plywood is not the same. Panels may be suitable for specific...