Solutions For Construction Managers

Decision Management 

Processes and tools built for you

Our Approach

Driven by the time, quality and cost triad

Construction managers focus constantly on managing logistics, controlling costs, and maximizing efficiency. The Conspectus approach helps you mitigate the inherent risks by eliminating inconsistencies, discrepancies, and data gaps that lead to RFIs, change orders, delays, and cost overruns.

Construction Specifications and Documentation

The Solution

The Conspectus approach to construction specifications and documentation focuses from the start on capturing and clearly communicating the owner’s requirements and expectations in a way that enables the entire extended project team to work in concert to meet them.

For construction managers, the Conspectus approach offers not only the data and information construction managers need for sound decision making, but also documented support for maximizing process efficiency, promoting quality, and adhering to schedule and budget.


Conspectus | Construction Managers
Closing the Gap

Reducing the Risks

Traditionally, specifications are developed sequentially as discrete documents, a disjointed process resulting in critical information gaps that often increase risk. Conspectus approaches specifications as a seamless continuum of information gathering, analysis, and documentation that closes the gaps, reduces risk, and adds value for owners, construction managers, and other stakeholders.

An Emphasis on Collaboration

Recognize all the Risks

Because the builder’s performance depends on complete and accurate specifications, the construction manager’s contribution to developing the construction documents can improve the quality of decision making, help avoid mistakes in documentation and construction, and reduce the risk of litigation downstream.

Construction managers should carefully examine the serious and potentially costly consequences that can result from a lack of transparency in the design and specifications process and the resulting inadequate documentation. This adds risk across the entire project making the construction manager’s job even more difficult.

Missed Deadlines

Staying on schedule is a challenge for every construction project, and the blame for delays can extend across the full project team. For example, when downstream contractors can’t understand or execute on a poorly written specification during construction, they issue an RFI, which can take days or weeks to resolve. The administrative tasks and added costs of excessive RFIs can become burdensome, compromising both the project timeline and budget.


RFIs very often result in change orders, which can trigger schedule disruptions, project delays, unanticipated costs, or all three. Change orders are the breeding ground for litigation, the costs of which can be staggering. In addition, faulty documentation, which lies at the core of the most common change order difficulties, embeds permanent risk for litigation, which can have lingering impacts.

The Time Cost of Delays

The time cost of delaying the opening of a building is measurable in real dollars to the construction manager whose incentive lies in putting the building up as efficiently as possible, managing cost, and avoiding delays and scheduling issues. These costs are particularly onerous when liquidated damages are part of the underlying contract.

Value Engineering

Flawed specifications, a common culprit for bidding inaccuracies or contingency fees, can trigger reactive value engineering (VE), a process that can also create long delays and sometimes force choices between working in the owner’s best interest and doing what’s expedient to avoid cost overruns.


Loss of Confidence

Inadequate documentation usually results in a massive addendum, which may be planned before the documents are even issued for bid. This can shake not only the construction manager’s confidence in the quality of the documentation, but also the owner’s faith in the construction manager’s ability to deliver. Such a loss of confidence can trigger opportunistic behavior from all parties and increased costs to resolve differences. Confidence, once lost, is difficult to recover and adds friction to the project.

The Benefits

Why the Conspectus Approach Works for Construction Managers
Transparency, Access, and Collaboration

The Conspectus approach helps ensure that every key stakeholder can know at every point what decisions are being made, the rationale behind them, and the implications for budget, schedule, and operations It also fosters collaboration among project team members as they make and implement critical design decisions, translate design into construction documents, and manage the actual construction.

Focused on Quality

The Conspectus approach naturally integrates quality assurance from the start. As part of our broader role, we monitor processes and raise critical issues along the way to help make sure that inconsistencies, discrepancies, and errors don’t go unnoticed or unresolved or get permanently forgotten.

Informed Decision Making

The Conspectus approach comprehensively documents design requirements and designed solutions, allowing comparative analysis of their potential impact on the functionality, quality, and cost of the project. This means that construction documents can reflect optimized decisions instead of best-guess choices.

Committed to Collaboration

The comprehensive nature of the Conspectus approach captures deep insights that owners can integrate into optimizing their building’s operation and that of future buildings for those who own, develop, or operate multiple built assets. Conversely, the Conspectus approach enables owners to collaborate actively with construction managers by contributing their own experience and expertise in what will and what won’t work in the design and specifications process.

Owner's Standards

Many owners have pre-established standards for their facilities, which may not be fully understood or appreciated by the extended project team. The Conspectus approach integrates an owner’s standards into the communications continuum from the start and can provide analytics to verify that the designed solution complies. This supports one of the construction manager’s primary goals: client satisfaction.

Conspectus Capabilities Brochure

Learn More about the Construction Manager Approach

For a more detailed discussion of how the Conspectus approach can help you can manage risks, control costs, and make sure owner requirements are fully met, view or download the accompanying PDF.

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Construction Manager Resources

At Conspectus, we help our clients and colleagues stay up to date on developments and trends that impact construction specifications by providing relevant, expert resources such as the Published Articles, Podcasts, Tech Tips, and more. 

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